The Beer Gatherer

Blogging about Israeli beer in general and Israeli craft beer in particular, following 1001 Beers You Must Try Before You Die and other beer musings.

Archive for the day “November 20, 2012”

Happy End.

Singha. Stupid commercial pale lager from Thailand. Yet another weird editors’ choice, but who am I to judge? I only follow. It’s pale and clear and golden, with a crisp malty aroma and that generic bitterness that no real beer lover cares about – a thirst quencher.

But then I swallowed and there it was, not hidden underneath the fizz: that long fresh malty taste that indicates recently-brewed beer. It was fun.

Singha is beer #141 I Must Try Before I Die. I drank it at my father-in-law’s birthday lunch. Happy birthday, Father Agent!

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